Our Story and Philosophy

How it all started
In 2011, singer-songwriter Crystal Goh had her eyes flung open to the necessity of hope. She was building her reputation as a singer-songwriter, but when she woke up one day, her voice was gone.
It was diagnosed as a rare neurological condition called Spasmodic Dysphonia. It has no known cure. Two years went by as Crystal struggled with this disease. Simple tasks like having a conversation with friends, ordering food in a noisy hawker centre, being heard in a work meeting – all became very difficult and embarrassing.
In the midst of her depression, Crystal’s friends still believed in her recovery. She wrote a song to remind herself about the importance of hope. And as she began to share this song with others, her voice miraculously started to return. With this renewed belief, Crystal and her friends decided to reach out to others who needed to hear this message of hope. Diamonds On The Street was born.


We harness the power of songwriting and creative arts to support mental health and emotional wellbeing across diverse communities.


Through reflective and collaborative experiences, we create safe spaces where individuals can explore their emotions, develop self-awareness, and foster deeper connections with others. Our work bridges creativity and healing, guiding participants toward greater resilience, joy, and personal growth.


By sharing their stories with others, we believe anyone can be empowered to give instead of being victimised by their circumstances. The idea is to move from needing hope to becoming a hope giver.

Addressing the challenges faced by at-risk youths

Nurturing a healthy
support environment

We provide a positive and hopeful environment that does not judge. Instead, we open up the space for healthy exploration, so that the youths can create and express without the fear of failure.

Regaining a strong
sense of self-esteem

Youths are given a platform to let their songs be heard by the public. In doing this, they are able to reach out and inspire others, contributing in ways that bring out their talents and strengths.

Encouraging reflective
communication skills

Our workshops include sessions that draw out personal stories from the youths. We practice trust and respect, so that they can express their thoughts in a deep and vulnerable manner.

Learning through a
hands on approach

Recording in a professional studio, vocal training lessons and producing an album are just some of the ways the youths can learn on an experiential level. Crafting music then becomes an exciting and worthwhile process.

The at-risk communities we’ve worked with

Residence @ St. George’s (RSG)

RSG is home to girls who are mandated by the courts as part of the Probation Order or are referred by voluntary welfare agencies/parents for voluntary admission. The offenders are considered for hostel residency due to reasons like “weak family support, inadequate family supervision, strained family relations, and need for segregation from negative peers”.

Prison Fellowship Singapore Care Club

The children of prisoners are often isolated from others because of the shame of their parent’s experience. Due to poverty, they find themselves deprived of many things.  The lack of attention in caregiving is also common because their sole caregiver is often too pre-occupied with their own problems.

"We've all worked with Diamonds On The Street for the past 6-7 months, and it has been an awesome experience because they take on a very strength based approach that actually focuses on the talents and strengths of the girls. They are very relational in model, because they believe in adopting a relationship with all the girls. And that has really helped to bring out the best in all of them."

− Sujeeta Menon, Head of Hostel at RSG

"I'm very amazed to see the changes in the children. Especially in how they have gained their confidence, as well as working in unity as a group. All these are made possible through the programme by Diamonds On The Street"

− Adeline Wong, Care Club coordinator of Prison Fellowship Singapore

"We really enjoyed your performance! Your presentation conveyed a strong powerful message, and brought a couple of tears to some. Looking forward to seeing you guys in action again!"

− Michelle Tay, Associate General Secretary at Singapore Kindness Movement